Resumption of work and production publicity

Release time: 2021/2/24

Before you can say anything
The Spring Festival holiday is over
The company started work on the seventh day of the year
The joy of the New Year holiday is fleeting
It's time to get back into production

Over the years, the resumption of work and production after the holiday
All kinds of production safety accidents
Prone, high incidence stage
So our company is very concerned about the post-holiday
We will attach great importance to resuming work and production with extra care

We conducted a return to work safety training session
The meeting was implemented in accordance with the requirements of relevant departments
The OHSE Department carefully formulated and improved the plan for the resumption of work and production,
Full screening for security hazards,
We will effectively implement the main responsibility for production safety
Organize and carry out job safety responsibility commitment,

Establish the idea that "failure to implement responsibility is the biggest hidden danger",
And consciously integrated into the daily production work,
Comply with all safety management rules and regulations。

The safety inspection of the resumption of production and work is implemented by individuals
Each area has a dedicated person responsible
To formulate and implement the work plan for resuming work and production,
Take the investigation and treatment of hidden dangers as the core work before the resumption of work and production,
For mechanical equipment, electrical circuits, high-risk processes,
Safety protection facilities, emergency rescue facilities
And sites with significant security risks,
Comprehensive system inspection of links, parts, etc.
Ensure safe resumption of work and production

Safety guarantee for the company to resume work and production
To do
"One minute on duty, 60 seconds safe"
We must focus on investigation, inspection and prevention
Seriously do "one minute on the job, safety 60 seconds" indicator。

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