Us isopropyl alcohol prices fell on weak demand

Release time: 2020/9/30

  The price of isopropyl alcohol (IPA) fell this week, both on the spot market and for exports to Latin America。
  Unlike in the spring, market participants say the market is oversupplied。Volumes have declined in recent weeks, and in some limited cases, isopropyl alcohol prices have been lower than assessed values。
  This week, domestic prices fell 2 cents/pound at the low end to $44 / pound, and 4 cents/pound at the high end, with prices assessed at 56-66 cents/pound ($1,235 - $1,455 / ton).。
  Spot prices have also fallen by 2-4 cents/lb to 58-64 cents/lb (U.S. Gulf FOB).。
  While prices are still higher than before the pandemic, most of the gains seen in the late first quarter and early second quarter have disappeared。
  This is due to falling demand and overproduction。
  Demand for hand sanitizers has fallen。Recently, merchants said that new suppliers of isopropyl alcohol withdrew from the market in the spring to refocus on previous products。

Reprinted from: China Chemical Industry Network

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